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Space Viking

Space Viking

By H. Beam Piper


Lucas Trask is about to get married to the love of his life, Elaine. On his wedding day, Andray Dunnan, a demented suitor, who was under the delusion that Elaine loves him and that she is forced to marry Lucas, crashes the wedding and kills Elaine, wounding Lucas seriously. After he recovers, he starts his journey of revenge, determined to find Andray and kill him. He buys a space ship and starts chasing Andray across the universe. Along the way, he becomes a Space Viking who raids worlds.
After some time, he realizes that raiding is not his destiny, so he settles on the primitive planet Tanith, which is inhabited by humans. There, he replaces the raiding with trading, at the same training the people there. Being successful, Lucas stars building his own empire, giving the people better treatment of living conditions.
As his empire grows and his business becomes bigger, Lucas continues raiding other planets. But, there is still one thing that doesn’t let him sleep – the killer of his bride.
Join this interstellar raiding adventure and Lucas’ mission of killing Andray.

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