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Heather Graham's Christmas Treasures

Heather Graham's Christmas Treasures

By Heather Graham


One Little Miracle

En route to an unwanted wedding across the sea, the noble French beauty, Lady Tessa Dousseau prays for a Christmas miracle. She receives her answer in a most unexpected way, when she is abducted by the devastatingly virile pirate: the Red Fox. Even rough seas and an even rougher pirate cannot keep a Christmas miracle at bay.

Gifts of Love

Kaitlin, a poor but beautiful mail-order bride, travels west to discover Christmas joy, and finds more passion and adventure than she had bargained for in the arms of Shane, a rugged ex-gunfighter. Even in the wild-west a gunslinger and a mail-order bride can find a miracle in Christmas.

Home for Christmas

It broke Travis's heart to see Isabelle go, but he was the Yankee captain who had commandeered her home and she was a daughter of the Confederacy. No matter how much he wished it, Travis knew only a miracle could keep Isabelle with him, and keep them together. Even in the war-torn South, Christmas miracles can happen.

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