The Chief Financial Officer of the non-profit Cerise Thacker runs has been cooking her books. The DA fears the CFO's deep family roots will come after her, particularly after the CFO states he will personally see to her death. So she's whisked away in a Yellow Cab into a short-term police protection program to keep her safe.
The cabbie? Isaac Walker, undercover cop. For the duration, Isaac will be her protector, even though she doesn't want protection.
But Cerise and Isaac are not strangers. They'd shared a role play encounter a year earlier–neither of them revealing who they really were. Now they are thrust together in a situation of extreme danger, passion, and trust, where Isaac must remain in control of the situation at all costs, even though he so very much wants to give it up to Cerise. And Cerise must do everything that Isaac says to the letter, even if she doesn't want to.
That is, if they want to get out of this thing alive.