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By Merline Lovelace


In this rugged adventure Lovelace continues the Oklahoma Territory series featuring the exploits of the overachieving Morgan family. She deftly sketches the conflicting interests of the settlers, Indians, and soldiers, portraying each sympathetically while illuminating the self-centered political maneuverings of the Jackson presidency. Lieutenant Zach Morgan was born and raised in Indian country, then studied military strategy and the law back East before accepting the leadership of a volunteer ranger patrol in the territory. Lady Barbara Chamberlain has journeyed from London to fleece Zach's mother of five thousand pounds in order to secure the release of her brother, an unrepentantly conniving scoundrel and the mainstay of her youth, from a prison hulk anchored off Bermuda's shores. When Zach agrees to help secure Harry's freedom after Barbara seduces him, and Barbara hires as her maid a woman who has set her sights on marrying Zach herself, the chain of events Lovelace sets in motion has widespread repercussions.

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