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THE BROKEN WINGS (With Original Illustrations)

THE BROKEN WINGS (With Original Illustrations)

By Kahlil Gibran


The Broken Wings is a tale of tragic love, set in turn-of-the-century Beirut. The book highlights many of the social issues of the time in the Eastern Mediterranean, including religious corruption, the lack of rights of women, and the weighing up of wealth and happiness and is probably inspired from Gibran's own personal experiences.

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and philosopher. Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was at the heart of the renaissance in modern Arabic literature.


The Broken Wings or Al-Ajniha Al-Mutakassirah;

Sketches & Paintings of Kahlil Gibran

Inspirational Quotes

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