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The Liberation of Miss de Bourgh

The Liberation of Miss de Bourgh

By Cheryl Bolen


"This is one of Cheryl Bolen's classic marriage-of-convenience stories."
Were it not for needing the funds to launch his sisters, Charles St. John, the Earl of Seaton, would never have agreed to Lady Catherine de Bourgh's proposal to marry her daughter in exchange for being the de Bourgh's sole heir. But what can it hurt? The exceedingly frail and sickly Miss Anne de Bourgh is not expected to live until Christmas. 
How did a nothing like her merit a handsome, titled husband? Once Lord Seaton removes the lifelong invalid away from her mother and brings her to his ancestral home, he is gentle, patient, and caring toward his wife. To please the man she's fallen in love with Anne begins to eat more and to force herself to more activity, and her health begins to dramatically improve. Now, if she could just earn that which she wants most—his love. . .

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