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Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding Crowd

By Thomas Hardy


This Palmera Publishing Edition includes the 24 original version illustrations in high quality. Enjoy the story as it was originally published.

Infatuation, deception, heartbreak and rekindled love ... all are elements of this stirring novel that will keep you at the edge of your seat and eager to find out how the story will unfold. Far From the Madding Crowd features an extraordinary story that revolves around Gabriel Oak, a shepherd, and Bathsheba Everdene, who was a lovely young woman involved in a bittersweet affair prior to rediscovering her true love. Bathsheba was an independent woman who yearned so much to maintain her freedom while Gabriel was persistent to win the heart of the maiden, yet to no avail. The two were separated as geographical distance stood in their midst. Years passed, and Gabriel found himself struggling financially. On the other hand, Bathsheba lived a comfortable life after inheriting the estate owned by her uncle who has passed away. In a strange but rather interesting twist of fate, Gabriel and Bathsheba meet again. With the twists and turns in Gabriel's and Bathsheba's past and present lives, the question remains – will the two finally succumb to the love that was about to blossom years back, or are they intended to be the way they are? Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy is truly a classic novel that takes you to an enchanting tale of love and everything involved in it – sacrifice, passion, and realizations. A must-read not only for hopeless romantics but for realists in the game of love, the novel leaves you mesmerized by the unexpected turn of events in the lives of the characters until the very last page.

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